
Jual Pipa Benteler WA 081388666204

Jual Pipa Benteler WA 081388666204

 - Energi “pergi!”: Pada hari Senin, perwakilan dari kota Paderborn dan Dewan Manajemen BENTELER Steel / Tube memberikan sinyal awal untuk pasokan panas BENTELER. Mulai 1 April 2019, BENTELER akan memasok gedung-gedung publik di lingkungan Paderborn Schloß Neuhaus dengan limbah panas dari tungku proses di pabriknya. Bangunan-bangunan ini termasuk sekolah, gimnasium, kantor polisi, kolam renang umum tertutup dan kastil yang dulunya merupakan kediaman pangeran-uskup. 

Bangunan-bangunan ini membentuk sekitar 20 persen dari permintaan panas dari semua fasilitas kota. Sekarang setidaknya setengah dari permintaan ini akan ditanggung oleh limbah panas. Ini akan mengurangi emisi CO2 kota lebih dari 600 ton per tahun.Melalui proyek ini, kami memberikan kontribusi penting untuk perlindungan iklim dan lingkungan dan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan Schloß Neuhaus," kata Christian Wiethüchter, Anggota Dewan Manajemen di BENTELER Steel / Tube. Pabrik tabung baja di Schloß Neuhaus adalah bagian dari Divisi Baja / Tabung Grup BENTELER internasional.

 Sebanyak 1.200 karyawan bekerja di sini.Investasi bersama untuk memperkuat Schloß Neuhaus ENTELER dan kota Paderborn telah melakukan investasi bersama yang luas dalam infrastruktur Schloß Neuhaus. Misalnya, BENTELER menyelesaikan pekerjaan renovasi dengan nilai EUR 325.000. Pipa sepanjang 600 meter diletakkan di stasiun transfer di tempat parkir Mühlenparkplatz, jalur properti. Kota ini, di sisi lain, meletakkan pipa pemanas distrik bawah tanah dengan panjang sekitar 1.400 meter.

 Ini berjalan dari daerah Schlosspark di sepanjang jalan Marstallstraße di seberang alun-alun Kirchplatz ke lokasi pabrik BENTELER. Kota menginvestasikan sekitar. 650.000 EUR dalam pipa dan integrasinya ke stasiun panas distrik yang ada. Selain itu, proyek ini mencakup modernisasi infrastruktur yang luas di wilayah Schlosspark.

Kolaborasi direncanakan untuk jangka panjang“Keberlanjutan adalah bagian penting dari strategi perusahaan kami. Kami menunjukkan komitmen sosial aktif sebagai mitra yang bertanggung jawab di lokasi produksi kami. Ini berlaku untuk kolaborasi antara kota dan perusahaan kami dan penanganan sumber daya berharga kami, ”jelas Christian Wiethüchter.“Proyek ini adalah contoh yang bagus tentang bagaimana kolaborasi bisnis dan administrasi kota dapat mengarah pada solusi perlindungan iklim lokal yang dibuat khusus,” kata Walikota Michael Dreier.

 “Bahkan bangunan bersejarah seperti kastil Schloss Neuhaus sekarang dapat dipanaskan dengan cara yang ramah-bukti di masa depan. Kami senang dengan rencana kolaborasi jangka panjang dengan BENTELER, ”Dreier melanjutkan. Penggunaan limbah panas adalah langkah penting lainnya dalam rencana perlindungan iklim kota Paderborn.

Penghargaan untuk dedikasi BENTELER terhadap perlindungan iklimBENTELER menyadari tanggung jawab lingkungannya dan secara aktif bekerja untuk meningkatkan jejak ekologis perusahaan. 

Selain itu, BENTELER telah mendedikasikan dirinya untuk perlindungan iklim dan sumber daya. Pada tahun 2018, proyek "Pasokan panas limbah" memungkinkan BENTELER Steel / Tube menjadi bagian dari "KlimaExpo.NRW", sebuah inisiatif dari pemerintah negara bagian North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW). Mereka baru-baru ini mengakui dedikasi seluruh perusahaan untuk perlindungan iklim dan memberi BENTELER gelar "Pacesetter dari pameran KlimaExpo.NRW".

Rencana perlindungan iklim Paderborn - bekerja bersama untuk iklim kita“Dengan rencana perlindungan iklim yang komprehensif diadopi pada musim panas 2016, Paderborn telah mengambil kesempatan untuk melibatkan penduduk dan pemain lokal dalam merancang strategi untuk lebih banyak perlindungan iklim di wilayah kota. Selain meningkatkan persentase energi terbarukan yang digunakan dalam pasokan listrik dan panas kota, rencana perlindungan iklim kota juga mencakup tujuan penting lainnya: meningkatkan efisiensi sumber daya dan energi di sektor bisnis

Ini merupakan faktor penting untuk perlindungan iklim.Pada akhir 2016, kota Paderborn menerima sertifikasi manajemen mutu internasional Penghargaan Energi Eropa (Eea) atas dedikasinya terhadap aksi iklim kota.

Industri - mitra Anda untuk solusi yang tepat

Menemukan solusi ideal dengan pasangan yang tepat
Pelanggan kami masing-masing memiliki persyaratan sendiri. Sebagai mitra strategis yang berorientasi solusi, kami terlibat dalam dialog intensif dengan Anda untuk mengembangkan produk tabung yang disesuaikan dengan sempurna. Kami kemudian memproduksi solusi tabung padat dan berkualitas tinggi ini untuk Anda sendiri - melalui produksi baja kami sendiri dan sepanjang rantai nilai terintegrasi kami. Disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Solusi individual dari satu sumber
Berkat penggunaan yang ditargetkan dari berbagai manufaktur vertikal kami, kami memastikan properti yang luar biasa dalam tabung baja berkualitas tanpa cacat dan dilas: geometri dan kelurusan yang tepat. Ini meletakkan dasar yang ideal untuk pemrosesan lebih lanjut yang optimal. Dari pengalaman kami selama bertahun-tahun, kami tahu betapa pentingnya dan menentukan kerja sama yang saling percaya untuk sebuah proyek yang sukses - bagi kami, keunggulan hanya dapat dicapai melalui kedekatan pelanggan dan keahlian solusi.
Seamless precision steel tubes Standard EN 10305-1 Dimensions 4 x 0.5 mm to 200 x 10 mm Lengths 4 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +C (BK) +N (NBK) +SR (BKS) other delivery conditions on request Materials Steel grade (EN) E235 E355 other materials on request Certification 2.2 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Seamless precision steel tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic lines (HPL-tubes) Standard EN 10305-4 Dimensions 4 x 0.5 mm to 114.3 x 20 mm also available in inch sizes Lengths 6 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +N (NBK) other delivery conditions on request Materials Steel grade (EN) E235 E355 other materials on request Surface treatment bonderized and oiled, non-bonderized and oiled, outside galvanized and passivated (CR-VI-free) other surface treatment on request Ends tube ends closed with plugs or caps Marking continuous marking along the entire tube length Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Delivery program Seamless precision steel tubes Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 5 Seamless hydraulic and pneumatic line pipes – BENTELER Zista Seal ® Standard EN 10305-4 Dimensions 4 x 0.5 mm to 42 x 6 mm Lengths 6 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +N (NBK) Materials Steel grade (EN) E235 E355 other materials on request Surface treatment outside galvanized (min. 12 μm), CR-VI-free passivation, additional sealing (sealer < 5 μm) other thicknesses on request Marking continuous marking along the entire tube length Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Seamless hydraulic and pneumatic line pipes – BENTELER Zistaplex ® Standard EN 10305-4 other standards such as EN 10305-1/-2/-3 on request Dimensions 4 x 0.5 mm to 42 x 6 mm Lengths 6 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +N (NBK) other delivery conditions on request Materials Steel grade (EN) E235 E355 other materials on request Surface treatment outside galvanized (min. 8 μm), CR-VI-free passivation, additional organic coating (EPOXY ≤ 50 μm), RAL 9005, black other colors, coatings and thicknesses on request Marking continuous marking along the entire tube length Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request The Zistaplex coating can also be used on welded tubes. 6 Welded cold drawn precision steel tubes Standard EN 10305-2 Dimensions 8 x 1 mm to 200 x 10 mm Lengths 4 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +C (BK) +N (NBK) +A (GBK) +LC (BKW) +SR (BKS) Materials Steel grade (EN) E235 E355 other materials on request Certification 2.2 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Welded cold sized precision steel tubes Standard EN 10305-3 Dimensions 8 x 1 mm to 159 x 4.5 mm Lengths 6 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +CR1 (BKM) +CR2 (BKM/soft) +N (NBK) other delivery conditions on request Materials Steel grade (EN) E190 E195 E220 E235 other materials on request Surface treatment cold rolled strip, pickled or unpickled hot rolled strip, aluminized, sendzimir galvanized, galvanized, hot-dip galvanized, for chrome-plating, inside welding seam removed Certification 2.2 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request

Welded cold sized precision steel tubes (square or rectangular) Standard EN 10305-5 Dimensions square 10 x 10 x 1.5 mm to 100 x 100 x 5 mm rectangular 20 x 10 x 1.5 mm to 120 x 80 x 5 mm Lengths 6 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +CR1 (BKM) +CR2 (BKM/soft) other delivery conditions on request Materials Steel grade (EN) E190 E195 E220 E235 E275 E355 other materials on request Surface treatment cold rolled strip, pickled or unpickled hot rolled strip, aluminized, sendzimir galvanized, galvanized, hot-dip galvanized, for chrome-plating, inside welding seam removed (on request positioned on the edge) Certification 2.2 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request 8 Welded hollow drawing precision steel tubes – BENTELER Zista 07 ® Dimensions 4.0 x 0.7 to 12 x 1.8 mm Tolerances outside diameter ±0,08 mm wall thickness ±10% (except welded seam) Lengths 6 m or on coil other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +CR1 +N (NBK) other delivery conditions on request Materials Steel grade (EN) E195 E235 IF25 other materials on request Surface treatment outside galvanized and passivated (CR-VI-free) Testing eddy current testing acc. to EN 10246-3, ZK E3H (only for bar lengths) Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Delivery program Welded precision steel tubes Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 9 Welded hollow drawing precision steel tubes – BENTELER Spezial 07 ® Dimensions 4.0 x 0.7 mm to 12 x 1.8 mm Tolerances outside diameter ±0,08 mm wall thickness ±10% (except welded seam) Lengths 6 m or on coil other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +CR1 +N (NBK) other delivery conditions on request Materials Steel grade (EN) E195 E235 IF25 other materials on request Surface treatment bright Testing eddy current testing acc. to EN 10246-3, ZK E3H (only for bar lengths) Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request 10 Welded cold-drawn cylinder tubes with ready-to-use inside surface (HPS) Standard EN 10305-2 Dimensions 30 x 5 mm to 140 x 7.5 mm Tolerances outside diameter acc. to EN 10305-2 inside diameter acc. to H9, ISO 286 part 2 Lengths 5 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +C (BK) Materials Steel grade (EN) E355 other materials on request Surface roughness (inside) Ra max. 0.8 µm, exceptions admitted up to 1 µm Testing Eddy current testing acc. to ISO 10893-10 Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Seamless cold-drawn precision steel tubes for the production of piston tubes Standard EN 10305-1 Dimensions 35 x 3.5 mm to 300 x 25 mm Tolerances outside diameter acc. to customer specifications Delivery conditions +C (BK) cold finished, hard +SR (BKS) cold finished and stress-relief annealed +N (NBK) normal annealed Materials Steel grade (EN) E355 other materials on request Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Delivery program Cylinder tubes Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 11 Honed or skived and roller burnished cylinder tubes Standard EN 10305-1/-2 Dimensions 30 x 5 mm to 300 x 25 mm also available in inch sizes Tolerances outside diameter acc. to EN 10305-1/-2 inside diameter acc. to H8, ISO 286 part 2 Lengths 5 to 8 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +SR (BKS) Materials Steel grade (EN) E355 other materials on request Surface roughness (inside) Ra max. 0.3 µm acc. to EN ISO 4287 Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Cylinder tubes suitable for honing or skiving and roller burnishing Standard EN 10305-1/-2 Dimensions 30 x 5 mm to 300 x 25 mm Tolerances outside diameter acc. to EN 10305-1/-2 Delivery conditions + SR (BKS) Materials Steel grade (EN) E 355 other materials on request Surface treatment inside suitable for honing or skiving and roller burnishing Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request 12 Hard chromed bars for piston rod applications Dimensions outside diameter 8 to 200 mm Tolerances outside diameter 8 to 16 mm acc. to f8 outside diameter 18 to 200 mm acc. to f7 other tolerances on request Materials Steel grade (EN) C45E 20MnV6 (E470) 42CrMo4+QT X17CrNi16-2 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 Material number 1.1191* 1.5217 1.7225* 1.4057 1.4462 other materials on request *also induction hardened Surface chromed double chromed and NICROM (nickel/chrome) on request Ra max. 0.25 µm Chrome thickness min. 15 μm for tubes with an outside diameter of 8 to 18 mm min. 20 μm for tubes with an outside diameter of 20 to 250 mm micro hardness min. 850 HV 0.1 Corrosion resistance min. 200 h in NSS rating 9 Testing corrosion testing acc. to ISO 9227 Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Delivery program Piston tubes and bars Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 13 Hard chromed piston tubes Standard EN 10305-1 Dimensions 16 x 3 mm to 140 x 10 mm Tolerances outside diameter acc. to f7 Delivery conditions +C (BK) cold finished, hard +SR cold finished and stress-relief annealed +N normal annealed Materials Steel grade (EN) E355 other materials on request Surface chromed double chromed and NICROM (nickel/chrome) on request Ra max. 0.25 μm Chrome thickness min. 20 μm micro hardness min. 850 HV 0.1 Corrosion resistance min. 120 h in NSS rating 9 Testing corrosion testing acc. to ISO 9227 Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request 14 Seamless hot rolled tubes for steel constructions Standard EN 10210-1/-2 Dimensions 10.2 x 1.6 mm to 711 x 100 mm other dimensions on request Lengths 4 to 15 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Materials Material number 1.0576 1.0539 other materials on request Steel grade (EN) S355 J2H S355 NH Marking manufacturer stamp, EN standard, material, delivery condition, size, heat number or identification number Testing on request Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Seamless hot rolled tubes for pressure requirements Standard (part 1) EN 10216-1 Dimensions 10.2 x 1.6 mm to 711 x 14.2 mm other dimensions on request Lengths 4 to 15 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Materials Material number 1.0254 1.0258 Steel grade (EN) P235 TR 2 P265 TR 1 other materials on request Standard (part 3) EN 10216-3 Dimensions 10.2 x 1.6 mm to 711 x 100 mm other dimensions on request Lengths 4 to 15 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Materials Material number 1.0562 Steel grade (EN) P355 N TC1 (usually in combination with E355 N and S355 J2H) other materials on request Marking manufacturer stamp, EN standard, material, delivery condition, size, heat number or identification number Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204, other certifications on request Delivery program Heavy, standard wall and mechanical tubes Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 15 Seamless hot rolled tubes for mechanical engineering Standard EN 10297-1 Dimensions 10.2 x 1.6 mm to 711 x 100 mm other dimensions on request Lengths 4 to 15 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions +AR +N other delivery conditions on request Materials Material number 1.0308 1.0580 1.0536 1.5217 other materials on request Steel grade (EN) E235 E355 E470 20MnV6 Marking manufacturer stamp, EN standard, material, delivery condition, size, heat number or identification number Testing water pressure testing or leak testing acc. to EN ISO 10893-1 other testing on request Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Seamless steel tubes for machining Standard EN 10294-1 Dimensions 30 x 20 mm to 250 x 120 mm other dimensions on request Lengths 4 to 8 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Materials Material number Steel grade (EN) 1.0580 1.0592 1.0599 1.0536 1.0644 E355 E355 J2 E420 J2 E470 E590 K2 other materials on request Marking manufacturer stamp, EN standard, material, delivery condition, size, heat number or identification number Testing on request Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request 16 Welded cold formed hollow sections for constructions Standard EN 10219-1/-2 Dimensions round 26.9 x 2.6 mm to 1,219 x 25 mm square 25 x 25 x 3 mm to 500 x 500 x 20 mm rectangular 40 x 30 x 3 mm to 600 x 400 x 20 mm Lengths 6 to 15 m, special lengths up to 18 m, single lengths up to 24 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Materials Material number Steel grade (EN) unannealed steel 1.0039 1.0149 1.0138 1.0547 1.0576 S235 JRH S275 J0H S275 J2H S355 J0H S355 J2H fine grain steel materials on request Marking manufacturer stamp, EN standard, material, size, heat number or identification number Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request Delivery program Hollow sections Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 17 Hot formed hollow sections in seamless and welded for steel constructions Standard EN 10210-1/-2 Dimensions round 21.3 x 2.3 mm to 1,219 x 100 mm square 40 x 40 x 2.9 mm to 400 x 400 x 20 mm rectangular 50 x 30 x 2.9 mm to 500 x 300 x 20 mm Delivery conditions hot or cold formed with a following suitable heat treatment Materials Material number Steel grade (EN) non-alloy steel 1.0039 1.0576 1.0539 S235 JRH S355 J2H S355 NH fine grain steel materials on request Marking manufacturer stamp, EN standard, material, size, heat number or identification number Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request 18 Seamless stainless instrumentation tubes Standard EN 10216-5 TC1 resp. TC2, AD2000-W2 Einbaurohre resp. no Einbaurohre, ADW10, ASTM A 312, ASME SA 312, NACE MR 0175/ISO 15156-3 Dimensions 4 x 0.5 mm to 42 x 3 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances acc. to EN 10305-1 and ASTM A 269/999 (for O.D. ≤ 30 mm) Lengths 5 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions cold finished, bright annealed or pickled Materials Material number 1.4301/06 1.4404 1.4541 1.4571 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME/AISI) TP 304/304L TP 316L TP 321 TP 316Ti / UNS S31635 Certification 3.1 or 3.2 (in case of AD2000-W2) acc. to EN 10204 Seamless stainless tubes, cold finished Standard EN 10216-5 TC1 resp. TC2, AD2000-W2 Einbaurohre resp. no Einbaurohre, ADW10, ASTM A 312, ASME SA 312, NACE MR 0175/ISO 15156-3 Dimensions 12.7 x 2.11 to 139.7 x 4 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances acc. to EN ISO 1127D3/T3 and ASTM A 312 Lengths 5 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions cold finished, bright annealed or annealed and pickled Materials Material number 1.4301/06 1.4404 1.4541 1.4571 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME/AISI) TP 304/304L TP 316L TP 321 TP 316Ti / UNS S31635 Certification 3.1 or 3.2 (in case of AD2000-W2) acc. to EN 10204 Fittings and flanges available on request. Delivery program Stainless steel tubes Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 19 Seamless stainless tubes, hot finished Standard EN 10216-5 TC1 resp. TC2, AD2000-W2 Einbaurohre resp. no Einbaurohre, ADW10, ASTM A 312, ASME SA 312, NACE MR 0175/ISO 15156-3 Dimensions 33.4 x 6.35 mm to 323.9 x 9.52 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances acc. to EN ISO 1127 D2/T/1 or D2/T2 and ASTM A 312 Lengths 5 to 7 m (if technically feasible) other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions hot finished, annealed and pickled Materials Material number 1.4301/06 1.4404 1.4541 1.4571 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME/AISI) TP 304/304L TP 316L TP 321 TP 316Ti / UNS S 31635 Certification 3.1 or 3.2 (in case of AD2000-W2) acc. to EN 10204 Fittings and flanges available on request. 20 Welded stainless decoration tubes Standard EN 10296-2 Dimensions 10 x 1 mm to 300 x 4 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances acc. to EN ISO 1127 or ASTM A 269/999, D4/T3 or D3/T3 or D2/T2 Lengths 5 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions metallically bright or polished 240/320 Materials Material number 1.4301 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME/AISI) TP 304 Certification 2.2 or 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 Welded square and rectangular tubes Standard EN 10296-2 Dimensions 10 x 10 x 1 mm to 200 x 200 x 6 mm 20 x 10 x 1.2 mm to 250 x 150 x 4 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances acc. to EN ISO 1127 or ASTM A 269/999 Lengths 5 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions metallically bright or polished 240 Materials Material number 1.4301 1.4571 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME/AISI) TP 304 TP 316Ti Certification 2.2 or 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 Delivery program Stainless steel tubes Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 21 Welded stainless process tubes Standard EN 10217-7 and ASTM A 312 Dimensions 12 x 1.5 mm to 609.6 x 4 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances acc. to EN ISO 1127 or ASTM A 269/999 Lengths 5 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions not annealed, metallically bright, pickled, brushed Materials Material number 1.4301 1.4404 1.4541 1.4571 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME/AISI) TP 304 TP 316L TP 321 TP 316Ti Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204, TC 1/2 Welded stainless process tubes Standard EN 10217-7 and ASTM A 312 Dimensions 8 x 1.5 mm to 114.3 x 3.6 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances acc. to EN ISO 1127 or ASTM A 269/999, D3/T3, D4/T3 Lengths 5 to 7 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Delivery conditions annealed, metallically bright, pickled Materials Material number 1.4301 1.4404 1.4541 1.4571 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME/AISI) TP 304 TP 316L TP 321 TP 316Ti Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204, TC 1/2 Fittings and flanges available on request. 22 Seamless boiler tubes Standard EN 10216-2 other standards on request Dimensions 13.5 x 1.8 mm to 610 x 30 mm other dimensions on request Tolerances outside diameter and wall thickness acc. to EN 10216-2 Lengths 5 to 7 m, partly 10 to 14 m other lengths and fixed lengths on request Materials Steel grade (EN) P235 GH TC 1 P235 GH TC 2 16Mo3 13CrMo4-5 10CrMo9-10 Steel grade (JIS) ST B 340 ST B 410 ST B 510 ST BA 12 ST BA 22 ST BA 24 Steel grade (ASTM/ASME) A/SA 192 A/SA 210 A/SA 213 T5, T11, T12, T22, T91 other materials on request Surface protection on request Marking manufacturer stamp, EN standard, material, size, heat number or identification number, if applicable test category and tube number (depending on material) Leak testing water pressure or electromagnetic testing acc. to EN 10246-1 (SEP 1925) other testing on request Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 3.2 acc. to EN 10204 for alloyed boiler tubes Delivery program Boiler and heat exchanger tubes Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 23 Seamless heat exchanger tubes Standard metric dimensions EN 10216-2, tolerances acc. to EN 10305 inch dimensions ASTM A 179M-1990a, ASME SA 179M, ASME Section II part A Dimensions metric dimensions 10 x 1 mm to 30 x 2.5 mm inch dimensions 19.05 x 1.65 mm to 25.4 x 3.4 mm other dimensions on request Lengths lengths and fixed lengths on request Materials Steel grade (EN) Steel grade (ASTM/ASME) metric dimensions P235 GH TC 1 SA 556 C 2 inch dimensions P235 GH TC 1 other materials on request A 179/SA 179 Marking manufacturer stamp, material, size, heat number or identification number Leak testing metric dimensions electromagnetic testing acc. to EN 10246-1 (SEP 1925) inch dimensions electromagnetic testing acc. to ASME SA 450, test hole 0.8 mm Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request U-bent tubes Standard metric dimensions EN 10216-2, tolerances acc. to EN 10305 inch dimensions ASME SA 556 C 2 ASTM A 179M 1990a, ASME SA 179M, ASME Section II part A Dimensions metric dimensions 10 x 1 mm to 30 x 2.5 mm inch dimensions 19.05 x 1.65 mm to 25.4 x 3.4 mm Tolerances metric dimensions acc. to EN 10305-1 inch dimensions outside diameter acc. to EN 10305-1 wall thickness 0/+20 % (SA 556M) Materials Steel grade (EN) Steel grade (ASTM/ASME) metric dimensions P235 GH TC 1 SA 556 C 2 inch dimensions P235 GH TC 1 A 179/SA 179 other materials on request Certification 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 other certifications on request 24 Fitting specifications Materials carbon steels body: 1.0570 press ring sets: 42CrMo4 (1.7225, 1.7227) stainless steels body: 1 .4404, 1.4571 press ring sets: 42CrMo4 (1.7225, 1.7227) Outside pipe diameter (acc. to DIN/EN and ASTM) carbon steels 10.0 – 88.9 mm stainless steels 10.0 – 76.1 mm Temperatures -55°C - 400°C (depending on approval) Pressures carbon steels up to 630 bar operating pressure stainless steels up to 260 bar operating pressure Coating carbon steels body and press ring sets: zinc-nickel 6-16 μm stainless steels press ring sets: zinc-nickel 6-16 μm Delivery program Press fitting system PreFiS-XL More quality High reliability and resistance to high pressures, temperatures and chemicals Lower costs No expenditure for safety measures or X-ray controls necessary Germanischer Lloyd (GL): Type Approval Certification No. 43 340 – 02 HH American Bureau of Shipping & Affiliated Companies (ABS): Type Approval Certification No. 13-HG994027-PDA More convenience Easy installation with the help of a handy press tool and a high pressure pump Less time Installation within a few seconds Bureau Veritas (BV): Type Approval Certification No. 33955/A0 BV Lloyd’s Register (LR): Type Approval Certification No. 01/20024 (E4) PED Certification No. 50223/1 More safety Safe installation as no welding is needed Less effort No additional preparation and no reworking required Det Norske Veritas (DNV): Type Approval Certification No. P-14208 Deutscher TÜV: Certification No. 922/915-011087 Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Schiffe und Marinewaffen (WTD71): Test report WTA 91317 Certificates Advantages Delivery program – Carbon steel and stainless steel tubes as well as piston products 25 Pipe specifications Pipe outside diameter Wall thickness mm inch (ASME/ASA pipe schedule) Pipe mm (min.) Pipe mm (max.) 1 Pipe mm (max.) 2 Pipe mm (max.) 3 10.0 - 0.8 1.5 2.0 2.0 10.3 1/8“ 12.0 - 13.7 1/4‘‘ 1.0 15.0 - 16.0 - 17.1 3/8“ 17.2 - 18.0 - 20.0 - 1.6 2.6 4.0 3.2 21.3 1/2‘‘ 22.0 - 25.0 - 26.7 3/4‘‘ 26.9 - 28.0 - 30.0 - 1.6 3.6 4.5 3.6 33.4 1“ 33.7 - 35.0 - 38.0 - 42.0 - 1.6 3.6 5.0 4.0 42.2 1 1/4‘‘ 42.4 - 48.3 1 1/2‘‘ 54.0 - 1.8 4.0 5.0 4.0 60.3 2‘‘ 2.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 73.0 2 1/2‘‘ 2.0 4.0 5.6 4.5 76.1 - 88.9 3“ 2.0 4.0 5.6 4.5 1 acc. to type approval shipbuilding for stainless steel pipes 2 acc. to type approval shipbuilding for steel pipes with Rp0.2 < 350 N/mm2 3 acc. to type approval shipbuilding for steel pipes with Rp0.2 > 350 N/mm2 Errors and technical modifications reserved. 26 Additonal services Our contribution to strengthen your competitiveness Technical consulting and development support Our proximity to the procurement and sales markets enables us to react to changing demands and utilize the potential of latest technological developments. We give you advice in all questions regarding material selection and the optimum adjustment of product properties. The right material will help you to increase your product reliability and quality and to improve your profitability by means of material and weight savings. We can also support you in the development of individual steel tube products for specific requirements. Partner for logistic challenges We use modern and automated storage technologies and packaging systems and we consistently work on minimizing the processing times from order receipt until shipment of the goods. We make sure that your production process continues to run smoothly with production-synchronous delivery concepts such as Just-in-Time (JIT), Just-in-Sequence (JIS), Kanban or express deliveries and on request, we operate integrated consignments at your production facilities. These concepts help to reduce your material in stock and free up valuable capital. Worldwide logistics capacities We offer our support for complex global procurement and supply requirements. We provide you with access to leading steel tube suppliers and to a worldwide expert and distribution network. We take care of the optimum selection of the steel tube production facility and negotiate all parameters defining the basic framework and order. We only work with certified partners and we personally assure ourselves of potential suppliers’ performance at the production facilities. You receive your merchandise on schedule and furnished with all necessary customs and shipping documents. Global account management Companies with production facilities in more than one country benefit from our integrated global account management approach. By working with a main supplier, you not only lower your administrative and financial costs but also increase your local quality level. We provide your central purchasing department with a contact person for the negotiation of all international contractual parameters and we provide you with a competent and efficient business associate on location for all operational matters.

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Jl.Dewi Sartika, Kp. Ceger Rt.009 Rw.002 Ds. Lebakwangi, Kec. Sepatan Timur, Tangerang - Banten 15520. 

Tel: 021-22259400 Mobile / WA: 081388666204 
Email: idmratman@gmail.com 
 Website: https://indira.co.id/ 

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